Keynote Speakers

Workshop Schedule

Workshop Description

Multi-lingual representation learning methods have recently been found to be extremely efficient in learning features useful for transfer learning between languages and demonstrating potential in achieving successful adaptation of natural language processing (NLP) models into languages or tasks with little to no training resources. On the other hand, there are many aspects of such models which have the potential for further development and analysis in order to prove their applicability in various contexts. These contexts include different NLP tasks and also understudied language families, which face important obstacles in achieving practical advances that could improve the state-of-the-art in NLP of various low-resource or underrepresented languages.

This workshop aims to bring together the research community consisting of scientists studying different aspects in multilingual representation learning, currently the most promising approach to improve the NLP in low-resource or underrepresented languages, and provide the rapidly growing number of researchers working on the topic with a means of communication and an opportunity to present their work and exchange ideas. The main objectives of the workshop will be:

  •    • To construct and present a wide array of multi-lingual representation learning methods, including their theoretical formulation and analysis, practical aspects such as the application of current state-of-the-art approaches in transfer learning to different tasks or studies on adaptation into previously under-studied context;
  •    • To provide a better understanding on how the language typology may impact the applicability of these methods and motivate the development of novel methods that are more generic or competitive in different languages;
  •    • To promote collaborations in developing novel software libraries or benchmarks in implementing or evaluating multi-lingual models that would accelerate progress in the field.

By allowing a communication means for research groups working on machine learning, linguistic typology, or real-life applications of NLP tasks in various languages to share and discuss their recent findings, our ultimate goal is to support rapid development of NLP methods and tools that are applicable to a wider range of languages.

Accepted Papers

Findings Papers

Shared Task

MRL 2024 featured a new shared task on Multi-task Multi-lingual Information Retrieval, which provides a new multilingual evaluation benchmark for assessment of large scale representation learning models in a diverse set of under-represented languages in a range of predictive and generative tasks. The results of the shared task will be available very soon.

Important Dates

   • Sep. 1, 2024: Paper Due Date

   • Sep. 20, 2024: Notification of Acceptance

   • Oct. 3, 2024: Camera-ready papers due

   • Nov. 15-16, 2024: Workshop

   • Nov. 12-14, 2024: Main conference

(All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“anywhere on Earth”))


David Ifeoluwa Adelani, Google Deepmind and UCL Duygu Ataman, NYU Chris Emezue, TU Munich and Mila Omer Goldman, Bar-Ilan University Mammad Hajili, Microsoft Francesco Tinner, University of Amsterdam


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